Letter: Bear hounding revisited
by DONNA DI CASPARRO, New Hampshire Bulletin In the July 2 letter titled, “The real problem for bears in Concord” the writer makes excellent points regarding our contribution to “problem bears” in that bears...
by DONNA DI CASPARRO, New Hampshire Bulletin In the July 2 letter titled, “The real problem for bears in Concord” the writer makes excellent points regarding our contribution to “problem bears” in that bears...
by DONNA DI CASPARRO, New Hampshire Bulletin On a warm summer morning as soft light begins to filter through branches of towering white pines, a bear and two cubs quietly saunter through an open field...
by DONNA DI CASPARRO, New Hampshire Bulletin Across the United States, fish and wildlife agencies face mounting opposition as hunting policies and practices are called into question. People are pleading for more wildlife protection...
by CHRISTINE SCHADLERAppeared in the Keene Sentinel, January 2022 A RECENT NEWS STORY reported the rescue of two radio-collared hounds that had chased a coyote onto an icy Androscoggin River. The coyote, caught in...
by Amanda Gokee, New Hampshire Bulletin Many of the state’s fish begin their lives not in a mountain stream but in a small white box in New Hampton at one of the state’s six...
Published in the Concord Monitor I am writing in support of HB 1308, an act to prohibit capture, possession, and propagation of hares and rabbits for hunting dog training and field trials. I have...
Published in the Manchester Ink LinkJan 2, 2022 Did you know that New Hampshire beagle clubs are allowed to capture wild snowshoe hares for training hunting dogs? After capture, they are transported to unfamiliar...
Published in the Eagle TimesMay 8, 2021 Are New Hampshire legislators trying to fool us? SB 129, now under consideration by the NH House of Representatives, is ironically and misleadingly, officially described as “designed...
Published in the Union LeaderMay 4, 2021 Senate Bill 129 will sell out threatened and endangered wild animals in New Hampshire to wealthy developers if it passes. It will be disastrous for the survival...
Published in The Cabinet PressApril 16, 2021 Snowshoe hares are essential to many other species’ survival, including lynx, bobcat, and great horned owls. They also help with the development of the forest by what...